I managed a sneaky half day from work this week. I arranged with Paul to meet somewhere for a trout attack at an ex fishery which is now hammered by the bait boys. Thankfully, we could get away from that area by using the float tubes.
When I met Paul I told him I reckoned that this would be my last trout trip of the year probably as the season just felt over for me. I had fished my highland river the day before and the place was totally dead so I was not feeling too optimistic. I had stopped my car 15mins away from the loch and felt a nice warm breeze againts my face however at the waterside the rain had started again with rolling clouds.
I stepped into the boat and pushed off, I gave a speculative cast as I finned away from the shore and a trout pounced on my fly. A fluke, I decided, as I finned my way further into the loch however it turned out to be the start of some red hot action.

Trout were splashing on the surface and pouncing on the flies and were very agressive. They were not enormous trout, the biggest was shy of half a pound but they sure were pretty.

I finned around the islands and was even catching trout in the water that did not have any movement in it – casting with the 5 weight in the stillness was good for the soul even amongst the showers.

I told Paul this may not actually be my last trip however as soon as the action started it all seemed to be over. A cold stillness came over us and the loch went dead. The action lasted maybe two hours whereas a month ago it would have went on all evening.
I stuffed my tube into the back of the car and headed home with a wet ass due to leaking waders. I had forgotton how great fishing from the tube is – I should have got the damn thing out months ago.