I’ve got to admit it was a lovely evening to be splashing around in a river. I guess I should have tried to find a trout to catch however by the looks of things all the rivers were too high. However, after being asked to fish the Garnock by Atkins and I was able to get away from work an hour early as well as a free pass from homelife I was soon on my way.
Atkins arrived late as usual and we quickly decanted my stuff into his car, we had a quick chat with Gordon Donaldson who was already setting off and then just before we were for the off Atkins lost his keys – a frantic 20 mins looking for them ensued while Atkins apologised as it was eating into the fishing time – I was just glad it was not me. I found the keys in some deep grass, a rather lucky and fortunate find as we would have been facing a lengthy walk back to my car.

I used my 7 weight which meant I was vastly undergunned however it was still fun and I am sure my fly was getting deep enough with the sink tip and tube fly. I had a few casts with my flying c as well which kind of felt like cheating however considering that Salmon are in fact a stupid fish that you must annoy as they forget to feed in fresh water it is deemed an ok method.

Suffice to say we caught bugger all and here was me hoping to slaughter one of those farmed salmon I have heard so much about. Yesterday morning I stood and watched several of them splashing around in the Leven.
Only a few weeks to go of the trout season – obviously it has gone far too quickly however I am hoping to get out for a final fling on the tube if I can find the damn thing – how the hell does someone lose a float tube? That’s what I want to know!