Had several sessions over the last few weeks – I was out on a highland river the other night. The one where I had just bought my permit and then had to tank it up the road from in my previous post. Annoyingly, this time I had a totally free pass and as soon as I left my house it started to horse it down with rain.
I outran the rain though and by the time I got to the river it was way behind me. All evening though it threatened to creep up on me and was coolish – usually this means hot trout action but they just did not respond – to further complicate matters I was fishing a part of the river that I did not know at all. Judging by the amount of bank that appeared to be part of the river it looked like the river was up by a couple of feet. This meant that the pocket water that I wanted to fish was actually a lot faster and scarier than it should have been – I wandered about for a bit before missing some trout at dusk.

I decided I should have just fully embraced the nymphs and stuck on an indicator – obviously this was during my musings as I drove up the road.
At the start of my week’s annual leave I asked the kids what they wanted to do and one of the things was fishing – so I took them up to my local pond. Usually I take them sea fishing however we had no bait. Seemingly the mackerel are in however I do not fancy battling through the hoards to actually get to them. We got to the pond and I described what was going to happen – I would cast for them and then they would retrieve, on my first cast as I was demonstrating a suicidal trout took my fly. This was obviously good for the excitement factor however poor as they thought this was going to happen on every cast as per my demo.
Headed out last night after sea trout however caught several mackerel instead – all good as I killed them for bait. Gonna head out with the boys with the big rods at some point.