I suppose I need to write some kind of 2013 resolution post as all the cool kids are doing them these days. So what I should really do is look at last year and what I did poorly and then look at this year and see what I can do better.
Quite frankly I was totally great last year and could not get any better.
Job done!
Kind of…
Well, when I really examine the last year I suppose I can begrudgingly come up with a few things I can try and accomplish – let’s have a look shall we?
1. Try not to break any rods.
I broke two rods last year which luckily for me ended well. First my trusty Greys GRX (old school) 4/5 was attacked by a car door and then my faithful Sage SLT 5# was trampled on by my clumsy boot. Greys/Hardy were totally shite and Sage (with a lot of help from the mighty Glasgow Angling Centre) totally showed how it was done and a new tip was forthcoming. A reader stepped in and swapped me their old GRX for a chib.
2. Try and fish those other rivers.
Last season was a year (technically half a year due to the rain) dedicated to the Kelvin. I am not complaining as it was hot whilst it was fishable however there are another couple of rivers I have neglected of late – one is my shit pipe river and the other is the Clyde.

I also have the upper reaches of my urban burn to explore with my Tenkara rod, which brings me onto….
3. Seize the day/moment.
One thing that surprises a lot of people is just what lucky bastards we are in Glasgow to have some top class trout fishing within 10 mins of our front doors. There are guys that must travel a couple of hours to get to their local trout stream. This year I truly intend to have the Tenkara rod in the car at all times with a bag made up of tippet, flies and camera so that if the sun comes out briefly in the Spring (the season starts on 15th March) I can catch a trout – absolutely no fannying about.

4.It is the 10th anniversary of Urban Fly Fisher..
I need to do something however I have no idea what – I should really get some kind of jolly down by the riverbank set up. Maybe a fish off or something! Maybe I should try and fish with as many Kelvin fishers as possible in 2013 – heck, if you fancy meeting up for a fish just mail me!
5. Tie some flies – urgently.
I don’t know, I suppose a fishy resolution might be to actually tie some flies before the season starts. In preparation and to spur me on I am going to share a step by step with you guys of my Kelvin scruffy olive. Will get it photographed and post it in a week or so, how’s that for commitment.
I also need to get my shit together and obtain a new laptop to write these posts on – at the moment I am using a daft wee netbook as the boys managed to break my laptop. If anyone out there works for Bill Gates or Google and fancies tossing me a laptop I would greatly appreciate it. Anyone else can donate to the laptop fund by buying me a gift certificate through Amazon on my wishlist if you wish although I am aware times are pretty hard just now for folk.
So do you guys have any special (or just simple) stuff you wanna accomplish in 2013?.
“5. Tie some flies – urgently.” you should add a fly/ tying section to the forum, I would love to compare with other kelvinators although all I seem to be doing atm is buying feathers and not tying.
“6 ” organize a fishing week end on the “other river” with your old italian fishing buddy…..
Phone me again I don’t have you new mobile !