So this year I am determined to actually identify the flies on the water. Last year at the start of the season the trout were going crazy for the large dark olives, so I have been tying up many patterns. I suppose fly identification and fly fishing go hand in hand! Therefore I have been consulting my little bible of flies.
For those that dont have it it is
A guide to help the angler choose the right artificial fly, including macro-photography of insect life combined with selections of the most lookalike lure. The book suggests that the angler observes the insect that seems to attract the most, and choose a fly from the photographs supplied
The photos really are very good, and it should sort out those “what fly to try today” for begginers as it gives you 7 patterns for any situation!
I find that for large dark olives at the start of the season you cannot beat the waterhen bloa with hackles trimmed so that its fished semi dry
Yup, last year the trout were taking them well from near day 1 🙂