There is a bay that I know which I sometimes drive past. I decided that this might be a good place to go for a speculative cast. I took a note of the what state the tide was at and was there sharpish after getting a pass from the wife.
There was a line of rocks which did not look at all natural and I decided to walk out on it as it seemed as good a place as any. It gave access to a little deeper water in a bay. A few casts later and I felt a plucking at my toby which is a tell tale sign and again on the next cast however this time I was able to watch a nice fish follow it in. The joys of having polaroids and clear water is that when you see a fish following you can enduce a take by sharply jerking the lure and the fish’s instinct kicks in.
Every other cast I was getting follows and takes, I managed to shake off a few of the smaller ones in the water and returned the bigger ones. I am going to go back again as the action lasted maybe a half hour – I think I was maybe there are the tail end of something. I fished further along the shore both sides with no action.