A little heavy on the pictures I am afraid but I like them so what the heck. Claire and I woke up and decided to take a walk along the banks of loch Lomond today. It was a bright cold day and we thought it would be nice for a bit of de stressing as well.
It was lovely, we each picked up a rather nice stick – I had bought Claire special walking poles but we had left them behind as we thought we would not need them….we were wrong. We went off the beaten path slightly and Claire found a rope swing …
It looked like so much fun I decided to have a go as well….
Lots of fun was had….what was even nicer was the fact there was no the usuall hordes of people that are there during the summer, you could actually just walk about and enjoy the peace and quiet..
We found a little bay where the waves were getting swepped up by the wind
To top it off there was some lovely views in the distance …….
During the summer you regulary see guys out in boats fishing the loch. I have only ever fished Loch Lomond once from a boat, I was around 14/15 possibly younger and i went out with two brothers called Malky and Bill. Malky had caught a 29lb Salmon in the past and seemingly it was stuffed and mounted and on show in the pub that is on one of the islands of the loch.
We were not fishing the fly but trolling……pulling devon minnows or rapelas along behind the boat. We did not catch anything although I had my first taste of whiskey and had a can of beer (which was horrible) and got slightly tiddly.
Ahhhhh the days!!!